Kalagnanam In Telugu.pdf |TOP|
Kalagnanam In Telugu.pdf - https://urluso.com/2taQMa
There are some events which are described in the kalagnanam which are related to the present situations in India. For example it is prophesied that after the Ist part of the kalagnanam was published, the rule of Congress was under the perception that the most of the kings of South India are secular minded or are not interested in the religion matters. This is why they tried to take the kings to the religion. Some politicians of Congress also accepted this perception. But a different interpretation is given by the kalagnanam. It says that these kings are not interested in the religion but they become their own god and use the religion matters for the gaining the power and money. They become their own god and all the rulers are good and great in their own religion matters. Their good and bad deeds, in terms of religion, are according to their own perception. One of the analysis for this is as follows: The person who is good in his own religion matters is a good person for the life of the world, but the person who is bad in his own religion matters is bad for the life of the world. Thus the religion matters are their own perception. Therefore these kings are the thinking of their own mental feelings and not of the perceptive given by the religious judgment and education. The people of the society accept this. Therefore a good king is a person who is good in his own religion matters; a bad king is a person who is bad in his own religion matters. While reading the kalagnanam it is not possible to say that these kings are bad or good in the religion matters. When we say that the kings are bad or good in religion matters, we do not know what is the effect of their bad or good deeds in the society. It is possible that it is bad or good in the society. But it cannot be seen in their bad or good deeds in the religion. They are good or bad in their own religion matters.
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